The Eternal Lure of Traditional Outfits

Sherwani for men is close fitting a knee-length garment worn over a kurta and is paired with chudidar or a salwar. It has decorative buttons that run down to below the waist level.

A wedding sherwani is invariably made of luxurious silk fabric; however, it is also fashioned out of other equally lustrous fabrics too. Sherwanis flaunt a flourish of exclusive embroidery work which accords elegance and respectability to this outfit.

Groom Sherwani in particular, is adorned with rich embellishments and other finery that befits the special person for the day.

Groom Sherwani is made to look special and classically royal by accessorizing it appropriately with a subtly designed silk stole and/or a rich contrasting turban. So choose your ornamental and other adornments appropriately.

When it comes to picking a sherwani for wedding see that the outfit makes an admirable statement of your personality. A couple of the day can select the same colors with different matching hues and the relevant accessories and embellishments.

None of the traditional wedding attires are complete without it matching footwear. Mojri or Jooti with not too elaborate adornments combines will with such attires.

Sherwanis are an expression of bygone subcontinental aristocracy and stately majesties which has also found a substantial appreciation and presence in the western fashion world too.


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